Your donations are urgently needed.
The ministry of L.I.O.N. Outreach International is entirely dependent on the generosity and prayer support of individual donors and churches who believe in and support the mission of LION. It is an extraordinary responsibility for us and a challenging opportunity to steward these gifts on behalf of our LIOs. We are committed to maintaining financial stability while expanding the mission and outreach to which God has called us. Our mission is to network individuals, organizations, and resources on behalf of those we call the “leadership in obscurity.” Please join us.
Use the green button below to begin the process using Stock Donator.
L.I.O.N. Outreach Int’l.
P.O. Box 26533
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
(719) 357-LION
We commit to steward your gifts to reach as many people in the most effective ways that we can. To maximize the impact, we combine our resources with partner ministries and individuals on the field. Please pray for all of us as we teach and travel. Yet, pray more for the leaders in obscurity who are at the center of what God is doing to change the world!
L.I.O.N. Outreach is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization in the state of Colorado.
All gifts go directly to the teaching and training ministry of our LIOs since current overhead costs are being borne by the Board of Directors. If you have any questions about a project or expenditure, please contact us. We are happy to communicate more directly with you to provide you all the information you need. If you wish to review a copy of our financial statement, we will also provide that at your request.