What is L.I.O.N. Outreach International?
L.I.O.N. is an acronym which stands for Leadership In Obscurity Network
L.I.O.N. networks individuals & organizations to encourage, equip, empower, & engage existing leaders working in obscurity around the world.
A brief :30 seconds about LION Outreach!
Who is a Leader In Obscurity?
In our definition, a Leader In Obscurity (LIO) is someone who has become a leader of others out of their passion to meet the needs of people around them. Most of them lead by serving others. As a result they have built, or are building, an organization, church, business, or community that reflects their love for God & for others.
What does L.I.O.N. do?
We network (or connect) individuals & organizations on behalf of leaders in obscurity throughout the world.
Our pioneering work began in India. Since then, the mission has spread to other developing countries in Asia & Africa (see below).
L.I.O.N. Outreach provides LIOs with tools such as:
What does “on behalf” mean?
What do you do for these leaders?
Our four “Es” describe how we serve our leaders in obscurity:
ENCOURAGE – Most of these leaders are poor, bi-vocational, overwhelmed with responsibilities, struggling to care for other people, & feel insignificant. We visit them even if they are in very remote areas. We pray with them. We honor them. We invest time to listen to them & take an interest in their personal lives.
EQUIP – Many LIOs have minimal education, experience, or knowledge about basic leadership skills, responsibilities, methods, or goals. Primarily using an oral methodology (visit section on Orality), we help teach, train, & mentor them so they are better able to function as leaders.
EMPOWER – Through networking we help them become stronger, more confident, effective, & qualified to lead and build teams around them. The network may also empower by providing seed resources for new programs or training. The most effective empowerment is to help liberate them from a sense of obscurity & insignificance.
ENGAGE – Leaders all over the world often try to accomplish their missions or callings by working independently or alone. We engage them with other leaders & organizations to help develop better training, partnerships, or movements which will help transform the people & culture around them.
Where do you work?
During the past ten years we have worked in India, Nepal, South Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, & Panama. Our primary efforts today are with growing networks of leaders in India & Africa.
In India:
We have a small L.I.O.N. office & a shared training facility in Chennai staffed by volunteers. From there we set up training events, individual consultation & mentoring, medical camps, community outreach, & visits to LIOs in southern India.
L.I.O.N.–India representatives are currently based in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Punjab, Delhi, Karnataka, & Andhra Pradesh.
Recognizing that 65% of all Indians are under the age of 35, we focus on LIOs who are under 40 years old. L.I.O.N. has published print resources in five languages & is partnering with several agencies to bring additional resources through the internet & cellular platforms.
Executive Director, Jerry Vreeman, travels to India 4-6 times each year.* He visits, teaches, trains, mentors, explores new partnerships, and encourages the volunteers and leaders who are focusing on a L.I.O.N. movement. Jerry has identified & uses these oral methods in accomplishing the mission: storytelling, dialogue, drama, music, art, decision making, comparative thinking, & small group mentoring/application.
In Nepal:
Our first L.I.O.N. training of 25 Nepalese LIOs was conducted in the Fall of 2014. Since that time Jerry & teams have made a combined four trips on behalf of key LIOs who are coordinating the work there.
We have partnered with a small new Bible college in Kathmandu to train & equip 20-30 students who are preparing to lead ministry efforts in remote areas of Nepal.
We are teaching & training LIOs in some very remote areas in the Himalayas where Christians & churches have only existed for a few short years.
Since the two major earthquakes in April of 2015, L.I.O.N. donors have given over $10,000 to provide LIOs in Nepal with some relief funds. These funds were personally distributed to key LIOs who constructed temporary homes, built community toilets & sanitation facilities, & provided a small amount temporary support to several pastors.
In Africa: In 2023, LION opened 3 new offices. Zambia, Uganda, and LION-UK are all being run by local LIOs! In Africa in particular, the Africa Project Against Suicide is among our teams’ primary efforts.
What are your current efforts or projects?
Visit the Projects and Updates sections of the site to see what we're up to!
How can I help?
Write a letter to one of our LIOs. We will see it gets to him or her.
Honorary donations on behalf of a friend or loved one.
I don’t have any money… Is there something else I can do?
Change your cover photos on Facebook & Twitter to a LION photo.
Engage your church: take an offering for one of our projects!
Ask for donations to LION instead of birthday, wedding, or holiday gifts.
See if your employer has a matching gift program.
Get social: Post on social media. Tweet!
Sell something on eBay & donate a percentage to LION through eBay Giving Works. Search for LION Outreach & designate it as your charity to support. Email Amy@lionoutreach.org or use the Contact form if you have any questions!
Volunteer: We have offices in Colorado Springs, CO, Holland, MI, and Burbank, CA.